
Sea Shepherd: Operation Grindstop


Vegetarisme og omverdenen

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Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 18/6 2014 16:49 | Indlæg redigeret den: 18/6 2014 18:28

GRIND: pronounced as in "grin-D"!!!

Things are looking lively here for the Summer... Sea Shepherd started arriving last week for "Operation Grindstop", and had their press conference yesterday afternoon. You can see some photos here: http://aktuelt.fo/myndir+sea+shepherd+tidindafundur.html

To be honest, I have mixed feelinsg about their visit. I don´t trust the organization much while I also think they have something important to say about whales as intelligent, sentient beings.

I don´t support the whale hunt. I do hate seeing the Faroese people being painted as barbarians. I also hate seeing facts being distorted and manipulated. Let Sea Shepherd be accurate and honest in making their case.

I hope the Faroese people are smart enough to keep a low, hospitable profile. In that regard, a group of whales were spotted yesterday and allowed to go free as locals say they have enough whale meat for the moment, and that there was no point in unnecessarily provoking SS: http://aktuelt.fo/grind+vid+oyragjogv+vard+ikki+hildin.html.


What Sea Shepehrd have to say about the "grindadráp" (whalehunt):

What the Faroese people have to say about the "grindadráp" (whalehunt):

Just wondering, are there any people here on VK who intend joining SS on the Faroes?

Forum-indlæg: 182
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 19/6 2014 06:55

Hej Earthling 2

Tanks for the input !ja

I never demonstrate as such. I do it by eating organic, vegan food and buying organic textiles -and computers ? -used.

I did once talk to a girl from Greenpeace who said she was a vegan. I was truly impressed -someone living the talk :D
Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 21/6 2014 17:52 | Indlæg redigeret den: 21/6 2014 17:53

My pleasure! I´ll keep this thread updated, should anything exciting happen. Right now, it´s pretty quiet.

I came on this link this morning. It is a five minute video of a Sea Shepherd volunteer from Canada, a raw fruitarian. She can´t get over the array and the quality of fruit available here! Some great campaign material for SS: "there is more than enough food available for everyone that Pilot whales need not be killed for food".

Day In The Life | What I Bought & Ate In The Faroe Islands - 40 Below Fruity (English, 5.mins)

Forum-indlæg: 182
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 22/6 2014 00:14

Hej Earthling 2

That was a great video. Really got a good laugh -thanks.

Her expression: "I felt like I´ve died and gone to Heaven" when she found out she could make fresh juice right then and there in the shop :D :D

These guys have a glowing, positive awareness which is great promotion for the SS.

Forum-indlæg: 2395
Område: Odense
Dato: 22/6 2014 10:48 | Indlæg redigeret den: 22/6 2014 10:49

That was a nice video to watch :) and you could even make your own fresh juice in that supermarket on the Faeroe islands, nothing I never seen in a Danish supermarket.
And as the Canadian woman said from Sea Shepherd, it's quite easy to live as a vegetarian/vegan on the Faeroe's also....so no need to kill the animals and the pilot whales.
:) ;)
Forum-indlæg: 567
Opskrifter: 2
Område: KBH
Dato: 22/6 2014 11:06

Marianne, de fleste Superbest har samme frisk juice-tingest :D

Men wow jeg gad godt nok ikke at leve af dadler, bananer, appelsiner, selleri(??!) og avokado.. Men der var jo heldigvis en masse andet dejligt grønt i videoen :)

Den bedste improviserede veganske side-dish/fyldig salat-ish jeg har smagt, blev lavet af en jeg kender fra Færøerne. Så det er altså ikke fordi man aldrig laver god plantemad på Færøerne !ja

Forum-indlæg: 2395
Område: Odense
Dato: 22/6 2014 13:35

Amy, jeg kunne måske nok leve af det på en enkelt dag men ikke flere gange om ugen ;) :)

Ja, jeg har nu godt nok aldrig set sådan frisk-presset-juice anordning i de Superbest, som jeg har været i i Odense....men hvem ved, om de måske har fået det nu, for jeg kommer ikke så tit i Superbest i Odense, da de ligger i en noget upraktisk geografisk placering og afstand fra min bopæl ift. de andre supermarkeder, jeg normalt handler i ;)
Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 23/6 2014 12:45

Glad to hear you enjoyed the video, ladies!

Yes, it is easy to live as a vegetarain/vegan on the Faroes - up to a point. Vegan is more difficult.

There are a few drawbacks though. Most of the veg*an alternatives are only easily available in the main towns. Ecological options are much more expensive, and also not widely available outside the main towns. Almost all food is imported. This raises questions about carbon footrpints, the production and sources of the foods available, whether they are Fair Trade, exploitative, etc.

A few years ago, dockers and cleaners went on a month long strike with the result that petrol and diesel were rationed and the supermarkets were half empty. It was a stark reminder of how dependent on others we are... In previous generations, the whale hunt was called "the harvest of the sea" and kept the people from starvation many times.

The land here is volcanic and very barren. There is very little top-soil. About 6% is cultivated, and that, only after several generations had cleared fields by hand-picking stones. Glass house production is also difficult because of the amount of energy needed to run them.

There are no veg*an restuarants. One place that I frequent sometimes has a few veg*an options. Restuarants and hotels will do a veg*an option on request, but naturally the choice is limited.

Social gatherings can be very difficult. Often one is the only veg*an and needs to face a deluge of questions! Not always a bad thing. It can lead to some great discussions and create awareness. It can be tiresome though... It also means that one must remind people in advance that one n is a veg*an, content oneself with the miminum non-meat options available or bring something along. If I´m in doubt, I always take some fruit and some type of bread so I won´t starve!) The Faroese also have an annoying habit of putting meat (chicken or fish especially) into salads!!! So care is needed.

There are very few veg*ans. Most are isolated from each other and there are no organizations or activities, etc.

So all in all, while living as a veg*an is possible, it is not easy.

Forum-indlæg: 182
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 7/7 2014 01:06

Hej Earthling 2

Tak for din beskrivelse :) Den er ret tankevækkende. Især konsekvenserne af en længerevarende strike ville få mig til altid have et pænt lager af "tørfoder", tørret frugt og diverse bønner og frø til spiring.

Nu benytter jeg mig selv af at plukke mælkebøtter til juice og salat -sådan engang imellem. Men det at være plantespiser på dine kanter fik mig til at falde over denne gamle artikel. Fortæller lidt om holdningen til hvad planter skal bruges til :)


Earthling 2 -her er løsningen på alle dine problemer, hvis du løber helt tør for plantemad deroppe :D

Okay -indrømmet, det kan være koldt. Problemet med at være vegetar hos dig er vist noget større end på Shetlandsøerne, der sågar kun har halvt så mange indbyggere. Måske skyldes det, at englænderne i højere grad er åbne for vegetarer. Der er mange flere af dem. Der er i hvert fald langt flere vegetariske retter i de britiske supermarkeder end her. Den danske holdning er en større barriere.

De reklamerer storslået for livsstilen i byen Hillswick på Shetland...


Jeg fandt en anden side -måske noget du ikke har set:


Lykke til dér i det nordlige :)

Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 12/7 2014 12:28

Thanks for your comment and feedback!

Yes, I agree that it is thought provoking. The veg*an lifestyle is not always a simple either/or on the Faroes... It is more complicated. That said, it is also worth noting that the Faroese people, generally speaking, have a great love and respect for animals, nature and a sustainable approach.

In that regard, I think the Sea Shepher crews here must be very bored... Many of them came on the back of a lot of propaganda about slaughter rituals and whale hunts every day... One gentleman invited a group of SS volunteers to his home where they had some constructive dialogue, it seems. He said the SS volunteers knew very little either about the Faroese whale hunt, the land or the culture. That is a re-occurring problem.

To date, I think only one pod of whales was spotted several weeks ago, and allowed to go free because the local sheriff said that at the moment, the people did not need to kill for food. They still have whale meat from last year´s hunt. Some SS property suffered a little vandalism within the first few days, but that was it. Two days ago, SS were accused of vandalism when they broke locks at the quayside on a nearby island. The police were called in both cases. Other than that, things are quiet. I guess they are enjoing the usually good weather here. It seems SS have four boats "patrolling" Faroese waters. The Faroese police have several high speed boats and extra personnel from Denmark, in case it should be necessary to intervene. They have stated that if Paul Watson comes to the Faroes, he will be arrested because of charges Interpol have against him. If SS intervene in a possible whale hunt, they will also be arrested and deported as it would be against Faroese law. Hopefully, it won´t come to that.

Thanks for the link on the seaweed! I love seaweed. I am lucky enough to be living with a Korean who often prepares seaweed in seasame oil.

The link from the vegan was also interesting although I think she´s a bit negative. We don´t have that much rain! At least, it´s not all day, every day! Neither are we that isolated. IT systems and internal transport systems function very well. And the islands abound in creativity. There are always music festivals, drama, concerts, new literature, whatever. And as for rugged beauty! I love it here. :)

You can visit the islands here!
This is Faroe Islands (4.mins)


Forum-indlæg: 182
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 12/7 2014 16:48

Hej Earthling 2

Det var da en utrolig smuk video :) Den uspolerede natur har en dynamik og vital kraft, der desværre udvandes til ukendelighed jo tættere vi bor sammen -og dermed ændrer naturens sjæl. Hvor har vi faktisk mistet meget, vi almindelige beboere i den vestlige verden. Men tak for dette skønne indblik.

Hvor er du heldig at få serveret tang tilberedt af et kulturbarn af Korea. De har årtusinders zen-makrobiotik i blodet og ved hvordan dette vidunder mad skal håndteres. No wonder you love it :)

Problemet med SS, som med mange andre aktivistgrupper, er at de ofte ikke sætter sig nok ind i tingenes tilstand set holistisk. Vi har lige haft en gruppe der har sluppet 1000 mink fri fra en farm. Selvom deres hensigt kan være god, undres jeg over at de ikke tager højde for minkenes skade på det vilde dyreliv. There must be another way.

Thanks for the input about the weather -great you love it :) I really thought it was all rain and fog....


Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 24/7 2014 15:48

I agree, Reborn...

Problemet med SS, som med mange andre aktivistgrupper, er at de ofte ikke sætter sig nok ind i tingenes tilstand...

I had "liked" the Sea Shepherd Operation Grindstop page on FB, mostly to keep abreast of what - if anything - was happening here..

A few days ago, comments were posted on their FB page stating that no whales had died, and inferring that it was thanks to the presence of SS. I wrote that it was not unusual to see no grind (whales) being killed over the course of a Summer, and that most likely they hadn´t been killed because they simply weren´t spotted in Faroese waters right now. I also added that one pod of whales had been seen and allowed to swim by because the sheriff of that region said they had enough meat from last year in their freezers. Taking these things into consideration, SS should not, in my opinion, be claiming credit for no whales being killed. Their presence is incidental.

And guess what? My comment was removed!!! That tells me a great deal about their campaign. I have now "unliked" their page... I can´t be bothered with that kidn of dishonest nonsense from them.

They are advertising for more volunteers. In fact, word has it, that volunteers are disillusioned as they are not getting what they expected here. Some are said to have abandoned the campaign and are using the rest of their time here as a holiday. I can understand that. They sacrificed money and holidays for whale slaughters they believed were happening on a daily/weekly basis. And they have discovered that this is most definitely not the case. After 41 days, no whales to be seen, yet alone saved by SS!

One guy was quoted as saying that he wanted to hate the Faroese people for their whale hunt, but found he couldn´t because they were such kind, hospitable and helpful people! ;)

Forum-indlæg: 182
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 26/7 2014 09:53

Hej Earthling 2

Amazing! Deleting your post is realy unethical. Says a lot about SS. They´ve just released a news bullitin to give us the impression that they´re very active....and on the alert.....

And as you write -to get more members:


Good to have you up there :D

Sunshine to you :)

Forum-indlæg: 2395
Område: Odense
Dato: 30/7 2014 06:19

Ja, jeg synes det er en skændsel, at Danmark - regeringen støtter dette masse drab- derved hval jagt, og i mine øjne massakre på grinde hvalerne :(
Ydermere så er hval kødet så forurenet af tung metaller, så det slet ikke er sundt at spise.
Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 1/8 2014 16:17 | Indlæg redigeret den: 1/8 2014 16:29

Well, rather a lot has been happening with regard to Operation Grindstop and the Faroes this week...

I exchanged several courteous and interesting emails with Paul Watson. One of the issues I raised is the claim that the Danish police are supporting the whale hunt. This campaign against the presence of the Danish law enforcements is not entirely honest, in my view. For one thing, the extra police are not harassing Sea Shepherd as they have claimed. They actually warned the Faroese people that any violence or vandalism carried out by locals would be punishable by law as well as telling SS that any breaches in law would see them facing the consequences. The four high speed police boats are patrolling the Faroese waters as is their right (as are the two regular patrol ships), and keeping an eye on the activities of the four SS speed boats who are also patrolling Faroese waters. Sounds like hide-and-seek! They have promised to disrupt any possible whale hunt and the police said they will intervene to stop them if they do so. This is enforcing Faroese law which is different in several respects from Danish law. The responsibility of the police force is to ensure that the law is followed, but even more so, it is to ensure the safety of everybody during a whale hunt. That applies to both the Faroese people and SS. In former times, people died or were badly injured during hunts. It is potentially dangerous.

Extra law enforcements and expertise are often brought during special circumstances, eg. football matches (when Germany plays!), when murders are committed very, very rarely (two in the 24 years I have lived here, and one of those was by a foreigner) and after fires in which people die. Police expertise and back-up is required in a small isolated country of about 48,000 inhabitants which does not have an army, and only a small police force. It is not something specific to the presence of SS on the islands. It is normal practice here to have back-up and re-enforcements from Denmark when required because the Faroese is under Denmark when it comes to justice. That is not necessarily something the Faroese people desire. It is the result of politics and history, and the reality of being a small nation with limited resources. In all truth, it might be better if SS went after the Danes for factory-pig-farming and their mink farms in their own territory...

Another issue I raised with Paul Watson was the descriptions he used in his latest commentary on the Faroese whale hunt. He quotes descriptions from accounts written in 1676, 1830 and 1943, periods in the past when there were no designated bays, lances were permitted, whales were killed in deep waters, etc. This is not the whale hunt of today which is far more strictly regulated. It is carried out in shallow waters, no lances, in designated bays with people cordoned off for safety. The aim is always kill as swiftly and painlessly as possible, and as of now people will be required to have certificates. Whaling on the Faroe Islands: http://www.whaling.fo/Default.aspx?AreaID=41

Regardless of what one thinks of the whale hunt, Paul Watson is dishonest in using old and undated accounts taken out of context. The full context of these accounts can be found in this book under Chapter 2: Pilot Whaling in the Faroe Islands by Joan Pauli Joensen.


On Wednesday, 30th. July, SS had the joy of driving a small pod of whales out to sea. Here also one sees the lie in the claims being made by SS. The whales had been there for several hours. The SS speed boat was also seen there. No one stopped or harassed them! In fact, fears were expressed for their safety when they were driving the whales out as the sea was rough. The local authorities gave three reasons for not acting: poor weather conditions (choppy seas and strong wind); they had enough whale meat in their freezers from the previous years; and they didn´t want to unnecessarily aggravate SS. I think the Faroese people, generally speaking, do not want to risk lives in a confrontation which just goes to show that they are not the barbaric, blood-thirsty people bent of killing at any price as is claimed by some...

In any case, two pods of whales have now been allowed to swim freely, and one of those was driven back out to sea by SS. I guess that makes the score 1-0 to SS!!! :) Some people are saying that SS broke the law so there is a debate about that today. I can´t really see how though as a whale hunt had not been declared and they drove the whales out to sea not into land.


Two German protest groups had said they were going to protest during the national holiday (Olavssøka) on 29th. July. It seems 90 people were expected to participate. According to them, they were also threatened with their lives, and called “nazis” and told their cause was”bullshit”. (I´ve heard far worse on VK...) The authorities told them they would not be allowed to disrupt the national holiday by protesting in the town centre. Instead the two German organizations were allocated an area on the outskirts of the city where they could protest peacefully as they have the right to do. In the end, three brave protestors and five international journalists turned up. They had police protection. In fact, it was unnecessary as no one bothered them, harassed them – or tried to kill them! Surprise, surpise!

On Wednesday afternoon, silicone celebrity, Pamela Anderson, was expected to lend her support to the SS by coming to the Faroes to give a press conference. Her plane didn´t make it, supposedly because of bad weather. That seems very suspect given that nine other planes departed and arrived the same day without any delays or problem... In any event, she spoke via skype, it seems... She is now scheduled to land today.


Yes, she made it in beautiful weather - and sporting a Faroese flag on her left arm! ;)
More photos here: http://aktuelt.fo/m-26160-myndir+pamela+anderson+hotel+foroyar+182014.savn

Forum-indlæg: 2395
Område: Odense
Dato: 1/8 2014 17:01 | Indlæg redigeret den: 1/8 2014 22:57

Uanset om noget af det, som SS har sagt om grinde hvals jagt og drabene ikke passer, så vil jeg altid finde det forkert og er stærkt utilfreds med at nogle af mine skatte penge også er/har været med til at finansiere det :(
Forum-indlæg: 222
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 1/8 2014 17:49

du betaler også eu støtte til bønderne, via din skat, ca.30.000 dk. om året.-
Forum-indlæg: 2395
Område: Odense
Dato: 1/8 2014 23:02 | Indlæg redigeret den: 1/8 2014 23:04

Ja, det ved jeg desværre godt Tat, men jeg undgår da i videst muligt omfang at støtte det konventionelle landbrug i min hverdag, da jeg køber mest øko og ikke indtager noget animalsk har i øvrigt også altid været EU modstander.
Earthling 2
Forum-indlæg: 633
Område: Andet
Dato: 1/8 2014 23:47

Yeah, I understand your displeasure, Marianne, up to a point. I feel the same way when I see my tax money going to things which I strongly oppose as being evil and immoral...

Like I said, the extra presence is essentially about upholding existing laws and protecting people from danger, and it is dictated by political and historical circumstances which were not chosen by the Faroese people... The Danes took over the Faroes. They can´t run away now just because the going gets tough... ;) Apart from which, what do you expect the Faroese to do? Roughly 48,000 inhabitants out in the North Atlantic with no army and a smal police force are somehow expected to just sit back and let strangers come in force, strangers who have a lot of money behind them, a huge publicity machine, very little knowledge of either the people and the culture, who intend taking dangerous and illegal action if they deem it necessary, and who use inflamatory words and distort and manipulate facts and sources. The Faroese are sitting ducks for these guys, and they are entitled to some protection, regardless of what one thinks of the whale drive.

Anway, here is a good interview with Lamya Essemlali of Sea Shepherd in which she expresses the case against the whale drive.
(English. 7mins)

Here is short video clip taken during the press conference today in which Pamela Anderson talks to two representatives of the Whaler´s Association. It was civil and polite, and could have developed into an interesting conversation if Pamela hadn´t been pulled away...
(Scroll down for video - 4.mins)

From your Grindstop reporter - on the the spot! ;) :)

Forum-indlæg: 182
Område: Sjælland
Dato: 2/8 2014 05:09

Hej Earthling 2

Tak for dine mange informative indlæg fra Færøerne <3 -altid godt at se ting fra så mange aspekter som muligt :)

Der er også en anden tråd der omhandler aktivisme, så vi kan standse ondskaben mod dyrene.

Det bringer mig til noget -i mine øjne- ret simpelt, at alle mennesker er forskellige og har deres egen måde at handle på. For mig er slutmålet for menneskeheden, at alle ophører med at mishandle og dræbe dyr. Men sandelig også at mennesker holder op med at mishandle og slå hinanden ihjel. Det er kun i mine øjne, kærlighed <3 der kan gøre dette.

Vegetarer og veganer tror jeg generelt er mere medfølende og kærlige end kødspisere, selvom der selvfølgelig er mange undtagelser. Derfor -hvordan udbrede vegetarisme...? Er den gennemsnitlige kødspiser mere optaget af dyrevelfærd end af sin eget helbred...?

Når jeg kigger på de mange, mange kødspisere jeg har mødt igennem årene er det klart deres helbred, der fylder deres sind. Det er frygten for at blive ramt af en eller anden smertelig, svær sygdom, der sidder i baghovedet og ligeså stille "gnaver". Sådan er det i hvert fald hos dem, der har passeret den første ungdom.

Så er det spørger jeg mig selv -hvad er det som vil få en større del af disse mennesker til at droppe kødet. Er det information som for eksempel dette:



Eller er det forskellige vegetarer/veganere som bruger deres tid på at kommunikere således:


Disse var blot nogle få af de mange eksempler der er i medierne, men personligt tror jeg, at det at informere med hjertet <3 om hvor sundhedsskadeligt kødspisning i virkeligheden er, ville få en del af dem jeg kender til at gå over til plantemad. Nogen er allerede og andre har skåret en del ned på deres kødforbrug.

Og der sker noget med mange efter et stykke tid som vegetar eller veganer -de begynder typisk også at se det fra en etisk vinkel...og lige stille åbner deres hjerter sig mere og mere for dyr, miljø, kemi i hverdagen osv. osv.

Derfor -som Kilroy skriver i den anden tråd: Ahimsa...ikke-vold i tanke, ord og handling er min personlige vej. Jeg ønsker ikke at fare i flint, føle vrede og had, blive deprimeret eller andre negative og skadelig emotioner over hvad andre gør. Alle har deres vej at lave aktion på. Hell -life is action :)

Der MANGLER blogs og sites på dansk, der omhandler det sundhedsfremmende ved at skifte til en plantebaseret kost. Ikke alle er flydende i engelsk. Der er rigtig mange med vegetarretter, men ikke vedr. sygdomsaspektet. Desuden har den mega-rige fødevareindustri masser af information på alle medie platforme, der promoverer kød som sundheden selv....

Personligt tror jeg at dette vil rykke mest og tiltrække flest til vegetarmaden. Andre kan mene noget andet -fint. Vi har samme mål -kærlighed til dyrene <3

Lykke til jer alle :)

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