
Pat Reeves


Træning & Sportsernæring

Forum-indlæg: 658
Område: KBH
Dato: 29/3 2018 17:48 | Indlæg redigeret den: 29/3 2018 18:01

Faldt over et kort filmstump (2014) med veganeren Pat Reeves. En sej britisk bedstemor der er verdensmester i styrkeløft og bekæmper sin kræftsygdom hvor hun var rigtigt hårdt ramt (teksten kludrer rundt i bodybuilding og vægtløftning men filmen er god nok)


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Pat does not eat a 'traditional' powerlifting diet. Being trained in nutritional therapy she has created a diet that suits her metabolism and her need to fight off a predisposition to develop cancer. Although the diet is tailored to her needs, with some modification to suit your personal goals, this sort of diet can produce astonishing results (as Pat demonstrates).

Breakfast: - Sprouted groats, plus fruit, homemade soy/almond yoghurt, sometimes dehydrated into 'biscuits' and topped with fresh fruit and seeds

Midmorning: - Nut/seed milk, fruit

Lunch: - At least 8 types of sprouted greens, plus tofu (I make this,and yoghurt and this is basically my only cooked food), or sprouted pulses, plus a dressing,

Mid-afternoon: - Vegetable pate with crudities, a sprouted grain and fruit,

Evening meal: - Similar to lunch, perhaps a raw warmed-through soup, but I will use different vegetables, grains etc.

It is unusual for me not to include over thirty different foods each day, albeit in small quantities. When you're four-feet ten and compete at 44k you don't need much in terms of quantity! - but quality is a must!